Have you ever heard sounds in the attic? Those sounds might be raccoons and you should call 1st Response Wildlife to take care of this nuisance wildlife animal for you right away. Here is picture of a raccoon family that was taken out of an attic and is now headed for relocation in a safe place.
If you think you have raccoons, ringtails or other animals in your attic, please call 1st Response Wildlife (24/7 Hours): 520-260-9517
Josh Waling is a humane Licensed Animal Trapper who catches and releases wildlife, removing animals including bobcats (lince), snakes, rattlesnakes (serpiente de cascabel), raccoons (mapache), pack rats, gila monsters (monstruos de gila), rabbits (canejo), owls, bats, squirrels (ardilla) , coatimundi (gato solo), exotics, and domestic cats and dogs. He delivers service that is professional and fast and he is available 24/7. Give him a call the next time you hear unusual noises in the attic or crawl spaces in your home or if you see wildlife eating your vegetation, creating nests, and raising their young too close to your pets or children. 520-260-9517 Thanks!
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