Here in the desert, we are accustomed to encountering Rock Squirrels, Packrats, Kangaroo Rats, Harris Antelope Squirrels, and Mice. Several years ago-as early as early 2000, Phoenix began to find Roof Rats in buildings, consuming citrus and competing with Packrats for dens in attics. It is speculated that Roof Rats, native of Asia, had arrived in California in shipping containers and had found their way to Phoenix in delivery trucks. From there, Roof Rats, not a native species in the US, have spread across Arizona and 1st Response Wildlife and others, are finding them in attics and around homes.
Somewhat smaller than Packrats and, needing only an entry point the size of a quarter, Roof Rats pose a significantly greater threat to our area. First, they are very active and, when foraging for food or water, will often have a range of 300 yards in searching for fluid in citrus, irrigation tubing, or a water source-such as a dripping air conditioning pipe. Secondly, while they typically live high off the ground, climb trees and high wire lines to gain access to buildings, in the desert, they will burrow in the ground and live at ground level. This means they can, as they forage for food, be found almost anywhere and, since they are smaller than Packrats, can gain entrance in some areas where, if gnawing through insulation, wood, or drywall is necessary, need smaller holes in order to gain entrance. Thirdly, Roof Rats, unlike Packrats, will have several more babies per litter and, while Packrats usually live, one to a nest, Roof Rats may live in groups of 6-8 in one den and forage together. What this means, of course, is that if you find one Roof Rat, you probably have several more. It also means that, while Packrats and Roof Rats may have as many as 5 litters a season, the fact that Packrats usually have 1-2 babies in a littler, Roof Rats, on the other hand, can have 5-8, resulting in a proliferation of Roof Rats quicker than Packrats.
Roof Rats can easily be distinguished from Packrats by their size and the length and composition of their tail. Their tails lack hair and are typically longer than the rat itself-as seen in the pictures below:
What we now find, is that there is an additional rodent that is trying to establish residence in our area, it is a no-native species and, since it is active and can reproduce rapidly, it is imperative that a homeowner or business retain the services of a Wildlife trapper like 1st Response Wildlife, with experience and strategies to both catch and remove Roof Rats but, also can inspect and seal up points of entry to deter and discourage any rodents from gaining entry to your home, business, storage areas, or property.
For more information on trapping and removing Roof Rats or rodents of any kind by 1st Response Wildlife, give Josh a call at 520-260-9517